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Exercise tracker
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JavaScript Calculator
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URL Shortener Microservice
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Interactive Dashboards

5 Star Projects

a pic of computer

Front End Developments

Some of the most popular front end challenges with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

A page to log events with automatic counting function; an interactive play sound web application; a easy-to-use calculator.

Event Page

Drum Machine

JavaScript Calculator

Back End APIs

JavaScript will not only be used on the front end to add interactivity to a page, or build an SPA. But also be used on the back end to build web applications.

One of the popular ways is to build through microservices, which are small and modular applications.

Timestamp Microservice

Hearder Parser Microservice

URL Shortener Microservice

File Metadata Microservice

a pic of flower

Specially React

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

Whether you want to get a taste of React, add some interactivity to a simple HTML page, or start a complex React-powered app.

You can use as little or as much React as you need.

Movie search app

Meme Generator app

Back End Developments

Simple but powerful web applications using advanced Node.js and Express, in order to manage users updates or chat in real-time communication with safety login.

Here you will find systems utilizing authentications to ensure verify the identity of a person or process, to login and logout safely.

Exercise tracker service

Chat Application with a Sign-in System

a pic of planning board

Tool for Data visulaization

A dashboard is a visual representation of key metrics that allow audience to quickly view and analyze data in one place.

Advanced Excel skills to delivery data visibility:
Power Query, PivotTables, Conditional formatting, Charts and more..

Interactive Dashboards

Weather Forecast


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