Hey I am Qian

Exceptional skills in in problem-solving, analyzing
and project management,
A Web Developer

What is my expertise?

1 / 4
Exercise tracker
2 / 4
JavaScript Calculator
3 / 4
Meme Generator app
4 / 4
Interactive Dashboards

5 Star Projects

There are some of my projects

  • Front End Developments
  • project

    < Event Page />


    < Drum machine />


    < JavaScript Calculator />

    The page contains a list of events from early 2022. It links to an outside podcast that contains more inspiring information.

    9 clickable drum keyboards with unique audio clip set up to trigger. Pressing the key pad should display associated audio.
    Active switch will release on Lot 2.0.

    My calculator contains 10 clickable number elements and other operators. This calculator would be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide two numbers.

  • Specially React
  • project

    < Movie search app />


    < Meme Generator app />


    < Tenzies Game />

    A quick app to search latest movies in the market, just type in and click icon. A meme generator - The fastest Meme Generator on the planet. Easily add text to images or memes. Let's roll until all dice are same value. How many seconds you will need?

  • Back End Developments
  • project

    < Chat App with Sign-in System />


    < Exercise tracker />

    A real-time communication chat application with a sign-in system, with authentication in each process to verifythe identity of a person. A simple but powerful web application for user to update and manage thier info in the database.

  • Tool for Data visulaization
  • project

    < Interactive Dashboards />


    < Weather Forecast />


    < Production Planning />

    Simply filter in pivot table slicers, you will get updated data from the dashboard. This database is for reference only.
    Find latest weather forecast for Tokyo in next 10 days, just one click in the table to refresh database.
    Choose concerned product and selling date to find out time plan which is automatically updated for each step. National holidays skipped.
    View All
  • Certificates
  • Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)

    Using Databases with Python

    Using Python to Access Web Data

    Python Data Structures

    Capstone: Retrieving, Processing, and Visualizing Data with Python

    Responsive Web Design

    JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures

    Back End Development and APIs

    And continue...

    Let's work together...